I am delighted to welcome you and invite you to share the most accurate scientific information on lifestyle medicine, water-only fasting and vegan plant-based nutrition for health promotion, functional aging, increased performance and weight regulation.
You don’t have to be sick. You don’t have to be overweight. You don’t have to be in pain. We all have the inborn ability to heal and be well. That is our true nature. The most devastating diseases, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity, can be prevented and healed by plant based eating and other supportive lifestyle factors including exercise and stress management activities.
Because of my lifelong commitment to natural health care, I have created this site to provide you with a variety of ebooks, books, audiovisual presentations and even free gifts to assist you on your journey to optimal health and balance.
This information has helped thousands of people like yourself lower blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, body weight and fat and recover from the most devastating conditions of disease and disability without medication and surgery. Take advantage of this information and join me on this incredible journey to embrace the health and freedom that you truly deserve.